Remote repositories

Listing configured remotes

To know what are the name of the configured remotes:

$ git remote

To list also the url:

$ git remote -v

To show how is configured one remote, and also list which branches are tracked:

$ git remote show <remote name>

Cloning a remote repository

Ref: git-clone(1).

To clone a remote repository:

$ git clone git://

This create a local git-memo repository with a copy of the remote and check-out the current branch.

All the remotes branches are copied in the local repository, and the local branch are ref:tracking the remote ones <remote_tracking>

If you add the --mirror option you create a bare repository and maps all remote refs in the local repository.

Adding a new remote

To add a new remote called myserver, in my local git-memo repository, I do:

git remote add myserver git://

this does not fetch or push, or checkout anything, but the next:

git fetch

Will fetch refs/remotes/myserver/master. This remote tracking branch is updated also by:

git remote update myserver

By default all the remote branches are tracked, but you can use -track <branch> (abbrev -t) to select only some branches.

Fetching from Remote

To fetch all remotes:

$ git remote update

Creating a bare remote repository

You can either transfer a local bare repository or create an empty remote and push your branches.

  1. copy local bare repo

    $ git clone --bare ~/proj proj.git
    $ scp proj.git
    $ cd proj
    $ git remote add origin ssh://
  2. push a branch to an empty repository

    We can also create it empty and push on the remote server

    • on the remote server:

      $ mkdir /var/git/proj.git && cd /var/git/proj.git
      $ git --bare init
    • on the client:

      $ cd proj
      $ git remote add origin ssh://
      $ git push origin master

These operations can also be used to create an ordinary remote, you simply omit the --bare option.

Push and delete remote branches

To push a new branch:

$ git push origin newfeature

To delete the branch on the remote:

$ git push origin :newfeature

It means push an empty branch to newfeature